Monday 18 May 2009

Pure but..

Pure but tortured soul trying to find peace only to find more pain..
What else is this soul supposed to do? Pain is all she ever knew..
I say allow it.. Find pleasure without harming yourself..

Pure but tortured soul, you deserve to feel good about yourself not disappointed..

The goal may seem so far but it’s there..
Don’t blur it away with the lines you know so well..

Pure but tortured soul your voice is dragging..

Dragging like a heavy bag full of sand, slowly pulled across an old dirty pavement..
I wonder if you miss your fluent and witty voice that’s skipping so lightly and joyful..

Pure but tortured soul, you’re not alone..

You know where to find the exit out of this misery..
And even in the darkness of it all, I’m here to hold the torch and walk with you..